Optimization of Non-uniform Planar Antenna Array Topology in Two-dimensional DOA Estimation


  • X. Luong Tran Department of Radar Basics, Air Defence – Air Force Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • T. Ha Nguyen Department of Radar Basics, Air Defence, Air Force Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • J. Vesely University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic
  • F. Dvorak University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic
  • V. Minh Duong Department of Radar, Naval Academy, Nhatrang, Vietnam
  • V. Sang Doan Department of Radar, Naval Academy, Nhatrang, Vietnam




The paper deals with the optimization of the sparse planar antenna array for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation in two dimensions (azimuth and elevation). The optimization algorithm was proposed on the basis of the peak sidelobe level (SLL) and half-power beamwidth (HPBW) parameters. In empirical validation, we have set up a measurement system to test the efficiency of an optimized array configuration. The array was configured using the patch antennas with frequency band 2.4 GHz. In comparison with several popular array configurations, the experimental results show that the proposed antenna array was optimized, and it provided higher accuracy and resolution in two-dimensional (2D) DOA estimation.


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Optimization of Non-uniform Planar Antenna Array Topology in Two-dimensional DOA Estimation. (2020). Advances in Military Technology, 15(2), 393-403. https://doi.org/10.3849/aimt.01389