SOKOL Unmanned Aerial System


  • Jiri Kuzdas Department of UAS, Air Force and Air Defence Technical Institute, Praha, Czech Republic
  • Z. Pátek VZLU Aerospace Research and Test Establishment, Praha, Czech Republic


Unmanned aerial system, unmanned aerial vehicle


The SOKOLunmanned aerial system is intended for the military, police and the integrated rescue system operations. The system consists of the light small SOKOLunmanned airplane, the catapult launcher with the rubber bungee cords and the control system whose main part is the ruggedized PC tablet. The system features versatility, compactness and robustness that allow performing different missions at adverse weather and terrain conditions. The SOKOLmeets the actual status of the Czech legislation of the UAV operations.

Author Biography

  • Jiri Kuzdas, Department of UAS, Air Force and Air Defence Technical Institute, Praha, Czech Republic

    USZaBS, Director


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Technical Information


How to Cite

Kuzdas, J., & Pátek, Z. (2015). SOKOL Unmanned Aerial System. Advances in Military Technology, 10(1), 99-109.

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