The Birth of the Term Robot


  • Robert SZABOLCSI General Staff of Hungarian Armed Forces/Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary


slave, slavery, serfdom, robot


Thereare many scientists calling robotics for achievement of the modern era.Robotics is a multi-, and interdisciplinary field of the technical and othersciences, based on the newest results of classical-, modern-, and alsopost-modern control theory. Leaning on tools of modern robotics it is possibleenhance manufacturing, improve quality of products. Robots can serve for, andinstead of the Man in many dirty-, dull-, and dangerous applications. The goalof the author is to make an attempt to find origin of the word “robot” viahistorical epochs famous for slavery, unpaid labour, and corvée work.


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SZABOLCSI, R. Some remarks on the word robot (in Hungarian).Debreceni Műszaki Közlemények, 2013, no. 1, p. 71-88. ISSN 2060-6869.

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How to Cite

The Birth of the Term Robot. (2014). Advances in Military Technology, 9(1), 117-128.