Hybrid Positioning Technique Based Integration of GPS/INS for an Autonomous Vehicle Navigation


  • A.N Ouda University of Ontario Institute of Technology 
  • Amr Mohamed University of Ontario Institute of Technology 




autonomous vehicles, GPS/INS navigation systems, hybrid positioning technique, Kalman filter, sensor fusion


This paper presents a hybrid positioning technique combining both loosely and tightly coupled Kalman Filter (KF) algorithms for an autonomous multi-wheeled combat vehicle. The developed algorithm is able to provide accurate positioning information even if number of visible satellites falls below the minimum due to the harsh operation environments. Two modes of operation were considered which automatically switch between them according to the number of visible satellites in order to correct the INS drift. Furthermore, a performance comparison between fifteen and eighteen KFs states is conducted. A simulation of the developed algorithm is performed, using a SATNAV navigation toolbox and the collected data from real sensors mounted on a ground vehicle. The experimental results validated effectiveness of the developed algorithm.

Author Biographies

  • A.N Ouda, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 

    Dr.Ahmed Ouda is an Associate Professor at the Military Technical Research Centre (TRC) in Cairo. Currently, he is a visiting scholar, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). He obtained his bachelor, master degree from Military Technical College, Egypt. He received his PhD degree in “Performance Investigation of adaptive guidance algorithms and its effectiveness” from the Military Technical College, Egypt. Dr. Ouda has contributed to several typical research projects in the field of missiles control systems.

  • Amr Mohamed, University of Ontario Institute of Technology 

    Amr Mohamed is an assistant professor at Military Technical college (MTC), Egypt. He is currently a visiting scholar, at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science of the University of Ontario Institute Of Technology. He obtained his Bachelor and Master’s degree from Military Technical College, Egypt. obtained his PhD degree from University of Ontario Institute of Technology. He has contributed to several typical research projects in the field of multi-wheeled combat vehicles. Furthermore, he is concerned about vehicles control systems issues comprising modelling, simulation and control.


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Ouda, A. (2022). Hybrid Positioning Technique Based Integration of GPS/INS for an Autonomous Vehicle Navigation. Advances in Military Technology, 17(2), 357-381. https://doi.org/10.3849/aimt.01498

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