The Military Specifications of Remote Control Tower Technology


  • Tímea Vas Aerospace Control and Pilot Training Department, Institute of Military Aviation, National University of Public Service, Szolnok, Hungary



remote control tower, military aerodrome traffic, air traffic controller procedures, safety enforcement, enhanced technology, visualization


Nowadays the Remote Control Tower (hereafter RTWR) appears as a piece of modern ATM (Air Traffic Management) technology in many European countries, including Hungary. After a successful validation process at a medium‐sized civilian aerodrome called Liszt Ferenc, co-operation began between HungaroControl1 and the Hungarian Ministry of Defence concerning the introduction of the RTWR in the military environment. The author makes an attempt to determine the safety and the security aspects of RTWR in the military environment, its specifications for the handling of military.

Author Biography

  • Tímea Vas, Aerospace Control and Pilot Training Department, Institute of Military Aviation, National University of Public Service, Szolnok, Hungary

    Institute of Military Aviation; Aerospace Controller and Pilot Trainig Department


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How to Cite

Vas, T. (2019). The Military Specifications of Remote Control Tower Technology. Advances in Military Technology, 14(1), 31-45.

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