Runway Excursions: Bearing Strength Control of Unpaved Areas


  • Luděk Čičmanec University of Defence
  • Ondřej Ulrich 24th Air Transportation Base at Prague



The paper deals with the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer application which is intended to work as a vital means to support the bearing strength evaluation over the vast unpaved airport areas. Having identified fundamental drawbacks, the authors proposed some refinements in the original methodology. These predominantly respect the needs of airport operation services. Specifically, the model based on fuzzy logic and two tables, exceptionally suitable for day-to-day applications, are proposed and tested upon the extensive data set acquired at four airports over the last four years.

Author Biographies

  • Luděk Čičmanec, University of Defence
    Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence, Czech Republic
  • Ondřej Ulrich, 24th Air Transportation Base at Prague
    24 th Air Transportation Base at Prague, Czech Air Force, Czech Republic


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Research Paper


How to Cite

Runway Excursions: Bearing Strength Control of Unpaved Areas. (2021). Advances in Military Technology, 16(1), 177-188.