Proposal of Optimization of Depth Values in Wet Gap Crossing Military Operations




The paper discusses a possibility of application of dynamic vivacity function in interior ballistic process mathematical model. At present time, various technologies of powder grain surfacing are applied, mainly in case of powder grains used in assemblies of small-calibre cartridges. The grain surfacing can desirably influence the interior ballistic action. It can further change basic powder thermodynamic properties, and particularly, it can change the character of the powder grain burning, which cannot be described by geometric burning concept. According to the established standards, a necessity of the dynamic vivacity function L evaluation is determined for artillery powders only, but the way of its evaluation can be applied for arbitrary powder grains. The application of the dynamic vivacity function then allows to get results of solution of the interior ballistic tasks with higher accuracy, as well as the selection of suitable grain surfacing technology.

Author Biographies

  • Martin Sedláček, University of Defence
    Department of Engineer Support, Faculty of Military Leadership, University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Filip Dohnal, University of Defence
    Department of Military Geography and Meteorology, Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic


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How to Cite

Proposal of Optimization of Depth Values in Wet Gap Crossing Military Operations. (2021). Advances in Military Technology, 16(1), 35-47.